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  2. Access



Google Map

Hotel Name



342 Yamanaka, Yamanakako Village, Minamitsuru County, Yamanashi Prefecture

Telephone number



Yamanakako Village Office along the lakeside, turn right at the end, turn left at the traffic light, and it is 10m ahead at the back of the alley on the right.

how to access

Access list description
*Maximum number of characters:300 characters
  • Transportation information

    ■Those who use the Chuo Expressway
    Chuo Expressway Kawaguchiko IC toward Lake Yamanakako Higashi-Fujigoko Road Yamanakako IC National Route 131 for 5 minutes → Yamanakako Village Office → Iwanajaya

    ■Those who use the Tomei Expressway
    Gotenba IC → National Route 138 → Turn left at Asahigaoka Signal Yamanakako Village Office → Iwanajaya

  • Those who use highway buses and fixed-route buses

    Get off at "Yamanakako Village Office" → About 4 minutes on foot

    *Pick-up and drop-off to the Shore of Lake Yamanaka
    *There are many highways and fixed-route buses
    *Free bicycle rental available on a first-come, first-served basis(Two)